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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Combined Absolute Relative Tense on Short Story

Combined Absolute-relative tense
            In the discussion above, the writer has examined tense with absolute time reference, where the situation is located at, before, or after the present moment; and relative tense, where the situation is located at, before, or after a reference point given by the context.
            In fact, sometimes problems deal with the time reference occurred, since there will be many situations need more than one referential time. in this way, the empirical results of detailed work in tense suggests that it is possible to combine those two kinds on time reference. In other words, to have as part of its meaning that a reference point is situated at, before, or after the present moment and in addition that a situation is located at, before, or after the reference point (Comrie, 1985: 65). This kind of tense is termed as absolute relative tense.
Short Story

Many experts believe that using literary works will be a good alternative in language teaching. Language and literary works are like two sides of a coin. Both of them create a mutualism and complementary relation. In such relation, language is the content, meanwhile literary work is its form. Following this analogy, teaching the content (language) can be done through its form (literary work).
Povey (1972: 187) said that literature will increase all language skills because it can extend linguistics knowledge by giving evidence of extensive and subtle vocabulary usage and complex and exact syntax. Similar to Povey, Stern (1983) also stated that the benefit of using literature in language learning can be fully realized through an integrative approach to language teaching by integrating literature into the curriculum.
Gilroy and Parkinsons (1993: 221) promoted that literature should be integrated into language teaching curriculum and not segregated from it. Although language can be taught by quite a good number of methods but considering the great role of literary works in language teaching can be the real evidence that literature is one of the best tools of language teaching. Therefore, According to Langer (1997: 607) literature can open horizons of possibility, allowing students to question, interpret, connect and explore. Meanwhile Collie and Slater (1987) claimed that literary works give positive contributions as it exposes the learners to different registers types of language.
Shanahan (1997: 165) stated that literature indeed helps students to expand their ‘linguistic and cognitive skills, cultural knowledge and sensitivity. This opinion shares the importance of literary works in its multifunctional level. Linguistics and cognitive skills which are considered as the core of language learning actually can be enhanced through literature. In this sense, the use of literary works treats the students as the social creatures who are studying others’ social patterns, norms and values. It is more ‘humanistic’ way of language teaching rather than treating students as the robot that should do so complicated technical activities in their effort to learn English.
            Alim (2009) states that literary works help the process of language teaching at least at three levels, they are: vocabulary enrichment, sentence structure, and logic or expression or contextual understanding. 
As one of literary works, short story (or short-short story) also plays an important role in language teaching. Due to its characteristics, a shot story provides a clear context for all utterances used. This context is significant to help the readers in understanding the whole story as well as in understanding certain tense used in a given circumstances.
Therefore, using short story in understanding tense of English can give more benefits based on two main reasons. Firstly, short story provides the context in which a certain tense is used. Secondly, short story provides time indicators. The combination of context and time indicator represented by the chronological order in a shot story will be influencing circumstances that boost students’ understanding about tense and aspect of English.
According to Holman (1981: 417) a short story is a relatively brief fictional narrative in prose. It may range in length from the ‘short-short story’ of  500 words up to the ‘long-short story’ of 12.000 to 15.000 words.
A unique characteristic of a short story that makes it distinct from novel is it tends to reveal character through a series of actions or under stress (Holman, 1981: 417).  Generally, a short story consists of five elements, they are:

1.   Character
A character is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work
2.   Setting
The setting of a short story is the time and place in which it happens. Authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery, buildings, seasons or weather to provide a strong sense of setting
3.   Plot 
A plot is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict
4.   Conflict
The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict. On the other side, the main character may struggle against another important character, against the forces of nature, against society, or even against something inside himself or herself (feelings, emotions, illness).
5.   Theme
The theme is the central idea or belief in a short story.

            The basic elements of a short story explained above are influential aspects in understanding tense. The main reason is that understanding tense and aspect can be done better in a circumstance where actions are performed in series over a period of time.
            In analyzing the tense of a story it is important to establish the deictic center. It is used as the central point to decide the tense of a sentence. According to Hoed (1992: 96), to analyze the tense of a story, we have to consider the three deictic centers in a story, they are: Pattern A, the deictic center is established when the readers read the story. Pattern B, the deictic center is established when an actor speaks in the story, and pattern C, the deictic center is established when the story uses static time reference

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